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Christmas Gifting

This Christmas Mr Lumpy & Friends together with Yours and The Nut Fairy's help want to send a soft cuddly toy to a child in need.

We all know in our hearts that there will be some children that will wake up on Christmas Day to very little or nothing at all.

As you know The Nut Fairy will always rise to a challenge for good causes and this year, Mr Lumpy & Friends want to give a little something back.

Mr Lumpy is a very lucky badger to have so many Caring Friends and we want to spread that Love even further.

So the idea is simple. You select a toy below, gift just £10 and Mr Lumpy & Friends will match it pound for pound, include postage and manage the logistics of getting a new cuddly friend to a young brave child for Christmas.

Christmas Giving Update

What a response the 2023 Christmas Giving Appeal has had.  As promised I will update you all here with news as it unfolds. Its already been very emotional hearing the stories of those clearly in need of a little something for Christmas Day. Our combined effort with your very kind donations has seen 152 soft cuddly toys and books wrapped, packed and sent this week in the United Kingdom and a few reaching overseas. Also two huge Christmas sacks full of more toys and books were delivered by The Nut Fairy in person last Monday 18th December. So take a moment folks, knowing that your kind donation will be making a huge difference this year.  Both myself and Michael would like to thank you all for making this possible.

We All Made A Difference, Be Proud

Thank You, for your incredible support. We made a difference.
Wishing you a safe and happy Christmas 

aka The Nut Fairy


Thank You Always

The Nut Fairy will post photos on our usual social media platforms to report on progress. But as some of these gifts will go to young children in protected services we won't be posting about where or whom the gifts have gone to obviously. But in your heart you will know that our collective gift will be with someone very much in need.

Thank you Always

Christine aka The Nut Fairy

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